A skin peel is a facial treatment that uses chemical peeling agents to remove a surface layer(s) of skin cells. These agents work to break the bonds between skin cells, resulting in them shedding away to expose fresh new cells underneath, which we can then treat with all sorts of lovely products. Peels also trigger the skin’s wound-healing response which will encourage the body to generate new baby skin cells to replace those it’s loosing. This speeds up the cell regeneration process which is key to healthy, youthful skin (Please refer to my blog post on Cell Renewal for more information)
On a basic level, the more intense the peel, the more intense the shedding and regeneration process. Peels range from very superficial (using fruit enzymes as exfoliators to nibble away the dead skin cells), to full depth (which involve a surgeon, general anaesthetic and many weeks recovery).
When I perform treatments, I aim for low risk / high results. All my peels are therefore customised depending on your skin condition and your personal preferences. I’ll always prep the skin with a Fruit Enzyme Resurfacer and I then choose a peel to suit you. The peeling agents are generally Lactic Acid (especially good for radiance), and Salicylic Acid (for oil control)…or a combination of the two. These have controlled delivery methods which we can monitor. I will then customise the rest of your skincare treatment. For example, if you just want a glow and some relaxation, I will do a very superficial peel as part of a therapeutic facial, and team it up with a purifying mask and massage. However, if you are looking for something a bit more intense, I can offer a slightly deeper peel and follow it with some retinol treatments to guarantee shedding. If you have blocked pores, I can team up the peel with steam & extractions. I can also add a Caci style lift and tone for the facial muscles. Or, for the ultimate in anti-ageing, I could also use the Dermapen Microneedling to further stimulate the wound-healing response – this will really kick start the cell regeneration process!
So, when people ask me what’s involved in a peel, it’s not a quick and easy answer as it depends on the skin I’m working on, and the requirement of the client. I will always listen and tailor your peel, or any other treatment for that matter, to ensure it’s all about you.
For more information on booking treatments, such as those mentioned in this post, please view the rest of this site.